The Orbera Gastric Balloon System
Transform Your Body with Orbera in Birmingham, AL
The ORBERA™ Managed Weight Loss System is an incision-less, nonsurgical solution for patients who are not appropriate for or considering invasive surgery, but for whom diet and exercise or pharmaceutical interventions have not worked. Safe, effective and FDA-approved, the Orbera weight loss system and Dr. William Hedden at Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery offer the gastric balloon as a way to improve the weight-related quality of life of bariatric patients.
The Orbera system is a weight loss solution that focuses on developing sustainable, healthy habits that will help you keep the unwanted weight off over time. The comprehensive, two-part program includes:
- Placement and removal of the Orbera Gastric Balloon at Hedden & Gunn Plastic Surgery.
- An individualized, professionally-managed Weight Loss Support Program.
On average, patients lost more than three times the weight of diet and exercise alone within 6 months. The weight loss is rapid, with the majority of weight loss typically occurring in the first 3 months of treatment. The entire duration of the gastric balloon system is 12 months.
The Orbera Gastric Balloon

The Orbera Managed Weight Loss System starts with placement of the gastric balloon in your stomach for 6 months. This minimally-invasive bariatric procedure is performed without surgery or incisions. The soft, durable, silicone balloon fills space in the patient's stomach to help them eat smaller meals and reinforce proper portion control. The gastric balloon is removed after 6 months using the same type of nonsurgical, endoscopic procedure with which it was placed under light sedation.
Managing Your Transformation

Once the gastric balloon is in place, each patient receives an individually-tailored support program through the Orbera Managed Weight Loss System team of experts, which may include a dietician, psychologist and exercise physiologist. This team works together to guide you through the process of developing a customized diet and exercise program that supports you in making healthy lifestyle choices. Coaching continues for a period of 12 months, even though the balloon is removed after 6 months.
With a combination of the gastric balloon and your individualized support program, the Orbera system is proven to keep the weight off even after the gastric balloon is removed.